

How do I audition?

To become a full member of Hallmark of Harmony you must pass an audition. Before auditioning for the chorus, we strongly encourage you to come along to visit a rehearsal. All our rehearsals are open to prospective members, where we can help you learn the music, prepare for the audition, and answer any questions you might have about the process.


What’s the audition like?

The audition requires you to sing one song from our standard repertoire in a small group (a barbershop quartet), without using sheet music. The audition is held in private at one of our Tuesday night rehearsals and only the musical director will be in attendance. He will judge the audition as pass or fail and provide feedback.


What are we looking for in an auditionee?

We’re looking for:

  • Accuracy on the music, both notes and words
  • Good vocal tone quality
  • Ability to sing your harmony part without getting distracted by others
  • Good attitude to coaching and feedback
Overall, we’re looking for someone who is willing to learn, has a good work ethic, and has potential. We’re not looking for perfection! We understand auditioning can be a scary process - every member has been through it and we know what it’s like! Our music team is there to guide you through the process, and will gladly help with individual coaching to help you prepare.

How do I learn the music for the audition?

As a prospective member, you will be given access to sheet music and learning tracks for a selection of our repertoire songs. As you attend weekly rehearsals, you will become familiar with the music and choose a song you’d like to audition with. When you’re ready, you’ll be invited to audition. Don’t worry, you will have plenty of opportunities to practise for the audition, both in chorus and quartet!


How many rehearsals can I attend before auditioning?

Most prospective members take their audition after 4-5 weeks. However, this isn’t fixed, and we encourage you to audition when you feel you’re ready. 


Can I audition more than once?

Yes! We allow people to reaudition, and don’t have a limit on the number of auditions they take. In fact, it’s quite normal to audition a few times over several weeks, as members use the feedback from the audition to improve for the next time.


How do I start?

Come along to one of our regular rehearsals and let us know you’re coming so we can welcome you. Our rehearsals are held on Tuesday evenings, 19:30-22:00, at Wesley Hall, Crookes, Sheffield, S10 1UD.

Any questions? Email our Musical Director, Rob Foot at

Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2025 Hallmark of Harmony