Member Spotlight

Member Spotlight
Type of post: Barbershop news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Phil Gill
Status: Current
Date Posted: Tue, 16 Jul 2024

On hearing barbershop singing for the first time around 16 years ago, it immediately struck a chord with Bill, prompting him to do some research which led him to join MK Acapella, about 30 miles from his Kettering home, in 2008.  The following year Bill attended his first BABS Convention with MK Acapella.  The focus on vocal technique and harmony within barbershop appealed to Bill, helping him to become a more confident singer.  He soon developed an appetite to go further, both literally and metaphorically, and searching within a radius of one-hour’s drive from his home, he settled on Grand Central Chorus which he joined in 2011. Within a year, Bill had achieved his first BABS gold medal, with Grand Central, on a score of 78.3. 

Bill has Nigel Cutts to thank for finding out about the possibility of singing with Hallmark.  They had first got to know each other at a men’s singing weekend called ‘Singing in the Shed’.  Then, Bill was intrigued to see Nigel, who he knew to be a member of Shannon Express, singing with Hallmark at LABBS in Llandudno in October 2019.  Nigel explained Project Horizon and pointed Bill in Andy Allen’s direction and the rest, as they say, is history.  Bill values being amongst great musicians in Hallmark, the encouragement to experiment, and the sheer enjoyment of our rehearsals; he says he has learned a lot since joining. 

Bill’s love of singing is clear from his past and continuing involvement in many groups, including two gold medal-winning mixed choruses (Strictly Barbershop in 2017 and CVP in 2024), and Strictly A Cappella which he continues to sing with after 8 years.  And if all that is not enough, Bill has also been with the Samaritans for 20 years, including volunteering with their Festival Branch which sees him camping at various events around the country and being on hand to provide a listening service to any festival goers who need it.   

Despite his experience and achievements, Bill is modest about his ability, particularly as a performer.  This is perhaps surprising given that, before his barbershop career, Bill was a member of Kettering Operatic Society.  However, he recalls that he generally sang as a chorus member, and that he only took a lead role once after being persuaded to do so by a friend.  It appears not to have been a very happy experience for Bill, and he vowed never to do it again.  He does appreciate though the encouragement and support within Hallmark to become a better performer, and says he saw himself in a different light when Steve Holden told him, ‘You know, when you smile your face lights up’!

PG 7/24